
Register Now to Vote in the 2024 US Elections

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To ensure that you can vote in the 2024 US elections, pick your reason to register/request a ballot as early as possible in February:

  • to take the first step in your plan to ensure that you vote in 2024;
  • to ensure that you can solve any problems that may arise with your registration/request form;
  • to ensure that you can take part in your state’s primary election, as so many primaries take place in March and afterward;
  • to celebrate and promote US democracy and/or any of the big events in February: Black History Month (theme: “African Americans and the Arts”), Presidents’ Day or even Valentine’s Day.

Black history month








Right away, go to your computer and fill out the form available on two safe, secure and nonpartisan websites – The Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) and the US Vote Foundation – in order to register to vote/request a ballot.

When you fill out the form, remember to check the boxes that will ensure that:

  • your ballot(s) will be delivered electronically; and
  • you can vote in all elections during 2024.

If you have already registered/requested a ballot, spread this message in your club and other groups in your community. Why not organize an event to celebrate one of February’s major events and register voters at the same time?   


Image: Freepik

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