
Get Ready Now to Register to Vote on New Year’s Day 2024

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The 2024 US elections will be the most important in the country’s history. Every citizen’s vote is needed to protect US democracy, and overseas voters have less time and greater barriers to voting that those in the USA. Overseas Americans must therefore get ready to act in 2024, to secure their own participation in the election and to assist as many of their compatriots as possible to vote to help preserve democracy and their own rights.

As soon as you get up, or sober up, on New Year’s Day, go to a safe, secure, nonpartisan website – such as those of the US Vote Foundation and the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) – and fill out the form to register/request a ballot for the 2024 US elections.  

Threats to US democracy – less time to act for overseas voters

The survival of US democracy is at stake in 2024. A leading candidate for President in 2024 has declared that, if he wins, he will gut the civil service and use the Presidency to take revenge on everyone he deems to have wronged him. He has recently use language like that of Hitler to dehumanize opponents. Project 2025 is being organized to supply officials who would do his bidding. US election officials are bombarded with death threats. FAWCO’s US Voting Committee has already pointed to other threats, such as the persistence of the Big Lie.

In addition, overseas Americans have a shorter time to act and face higher barriers than voters in the US. Our “election year” is not much more than 9 months. Voters in the US can register at any time; we can only start registering on January 1 of each election year, must re-register in every election year and face shorter registration deadlines and an earlier Election Day. Voter-suppression laws have moved registration deadlines up in the calendar. Further, while federal law requires states to send ballots to overseas voters at least 45 days before the election (Saturday, September 21, 2024), we need to return our ballots about a month before Election Day (Tuesday, November 5, 2024), to be sure that our votes are counted.

FAWCO’s US Voting Committee urges all overseas voters to prepare to spring into action in 2024 to ensure that they vote in this vital election. It will regularly post new information and advice, and is always available for your questions and to accept new Committee members (email ). Look at the following lists of actions that FAWCO members can take as individuals and as clubs. Which appeal to you, and which can you do or help with? What additions can you suggest? 

What you can do as an individual

  1. Make a plan to both register and vote in every US election for which you are eligible. Always register as early as possible. Safe, secure and nonpartisan sites – such as those of the US Vote Foundation and the Federal Voting Assistant Program (FVAP) – are one click away from your computer screen.
  2. Ensure that you get accurate information about events, so that you base your vote on the facts. (Vote smart, check sources!)
  3. Contact your elected representatives regularly to express your views, preferably by phone or email (instructions on Committee homepage.)
  4. Contribute money and/or time to pro-democracy candidates.
  5. Spread the word through your communications (e.g. email signature) and social media, and in every local group or community to which you belong: social, sports, school and religious; this includes combatting misinformation about overseas voting and the 2020 election in particular.
  6. Volunteer to join FAWCO’s US Voting Committee (email ) to get and share information and tips, and organize voter registration and assistance events.

What you can do through your club

Volunteer for the US Voting Committee or be a club US voting volunteer or part of a committee to circulate information from FAWCO and organize club campaigns. They could do the following things – and more!

  1. Remind members of the need to register and vote by posting messages and links (and updates) in the club newsletter and private social media.
  2. Organize events to register voters and, later, to assist them with their ballots if necessary, in the club, and/or incorporate voter registration and assistance into club events with other purposes.
  3. Spread the word in the wider community through public-facing media, such as the club website and public social media.
  4. Form and work through partnerships with other nonpartisan groups and entities (such as the US consulate or embassy) to register and assist voters in the wider community.


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