2018 Berlin...
In June of 2018, AWC Berlin hosted the FAWCO Youth Cutural Volunteers Program. The purpose of the program is help the youth discover volunteering, develop their culture understanding, awareness of global issues, and sense of global citizenship. This year's 12 participants came from AWC Amsterdam, AWC Berlin, AWC Bern, AWC Oslo, AWG Languedoc-Roussillon, AIWC Genoa, IWC Torino, and Munich IWC. They represented 11 cultures and spoke 9 languages.
This year’s group served refugees, homeless, disabled, and sick people living in Berlin through their volunteer work at multiple organizations. We are grateful for the opportunities arranged by: Berlin Stadtmission (through Serve the City), Jack, Ronald McDonald House, Welcome Baby Bags, St. Elisabethstift Seniorenheim, and Laib & Seele.
The group also participated in many cultural and educational activities, including two walking tours, a museum visit, a “Youth in Democracy” caucus, and a cooking workshop at a Ulme35 (a refugee cultural integration center). One of the week’s stand-out experiences for the youth, as well as participating AWC members, was a session with 96-year old Holocaust survivor, Margot Friedlander. She told us her story of survival by reading excerpts from her book, “Try to Make Your Life,” and answering our questions. When asked why she does this at her age, she said “It is to make sure that you never let this happen again.” She ended with a message of accepting and embracing human differences. As if this wasn’t enough, we managed to squeeze in several World Cup games, including a public viewing at the infamous Brandenburg Gate Fanmeile.
From their reflection essays, the teens told us:
"This week has made me realise how lucky I am, as a teenager, to be so
privileged in the life I live. This feeling has given me the need to give back to the community and to those who are less privileged than I." - Kat, AWC Amsterdam
privileged in the life I live. This feeling has given me the need to give back to the community and to those who are less privileged than I." - Kat, AWC Amsterdam
"All these experiences taught me to respect other human beings and to try to do good
things on this earth." Daniel, AWC Bern
things on this earth." Daniel, AWC Bern
"In Berlin I was able to expand my awareness of global issues and also felt like I had power to do something about it...our group spent a lot of time talking about world issues." Natalie, AWC Amsterdam
"The week in Berlin has been one of the most beatiful experiences of my life." Federico, AIWC Genoa
"...this week was a first for me, a first volunteering and a first discovering so many cultures at once. This week permitted me to see things in a new light. I felt
like I was part of something that was making a difference." Augustin, AWG Languedoc-Roussillon
like I was part of something that was making a difference." Augustin, AWG Languedoc-Roussillon
"This trip has taught me so much about the city, about the social issues, about myself....has inspired me to do more because I am fortunate enough to have the ability to do so. I want to thank the FAWCO Youth program for helping me find what makes me passionate and makes me strive to be better, not just for myself, but in hopes that one day I can do better for this world." Anna, AWC Berlin
Login to access the Reflection Essays and watch the video made about their experiences.