US Tax & Banking


Basic Information & Strategy

calculator receipts pencilNot sure where to start? Let us help! Below are some great resources with basic information, suggestions and tips for working on your financial strategy. They are all from outside consultants so all links will take you to their websites and information.

A Financial Guide For the American Expatriate
Timberchase Financial, includes a handy PDF guide

Three Ways to Manage...


Financial Planning - Current Issues

It's never too late to start making big or small financial decisions regarding your future. Check out the resources below to get going.

US Tax Guide for Americans Retiring Abroad PDF by Green Back Tax Services

Post Financial Cliff Financial & Tax Planning for Overseas Americans in Switzerland PDF (27 KB) but informative for Americans everywhere!

Trends & Developments - October 2013...



The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, better known as FATCA, was passed in 2010 as part of the HIRE act. Starting in 2014 foreign financial institutions (FFI) will be required by the US government, under FATCA, to report information regarding accounts of US citizens, US persons, Green Card holders and individuals holding certain US investments to the IRS. This law...


Bank Accounts in Country of Residence

girl at ATMWhen you are looking to open a bank account in your country of residence (outside of the U.S.) what are the questions you should ask any potential bank? See FAWCO's Questions to ask banks when looking for new banking relationships to get started.

FAWCO has compiled a list of 'Go To' and 'No Go' banks which are willing or not...


Bank Accounts in the U.S.

When you move abroad or if you've been living abroad for a long time you still may have bank accounts in the U.S. But what happens when you start having problems stateside?

Read more about U.S. banking problems due to a foreign address and what to do about it.


Read the Tax & Banking Disclaimer.


PFIC Regulations

On December 30, 2013, the IRS released temporary regulations related to annual filing requirements for Passive Foreign Investment Company (PFIC) shareholders and provided guidance on determining the ownership of a PFIC. The regulations also provided an exclusion for shareholders that constructively own interests in certain foreign corporations. Read more in a February 2022 article from PWC.


Read the Tax...


Country Specific Info & Presentations

The issues arising from legal and estate planning have very different implications in different countries.

Do you have information or experience from your country of origin or current country of residence concerning estate, legal or inheritance planning? Share it with us by emailing .



For specifics of estate and inheritance laws in Germany start with this overview...

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