
Runoff Elections in Three States in December

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The 2022 elections are not over for overseas voters from three states. Runoff elections will be held on December 6 in Arkansas and Georgia and December 10 in Louisiana. If you checked the box for “all elections in this year” on your registration/request form, you should receive a ballot. If you did not, there’s time to request a runoff ballot if you move fast. If you're not sure about your status, check with your local election official. Don’t miss your chance to participate!

Here are the deadlines for voting in the runoffs:

State               Ballot request received by   Ballot return

Arkansas         November 29                         Postmarked by December 6

Georgia           November 25                         Postmarked by December 6

Louisiana        December 9                            Received by 8 pm, December 10

See the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website for further details and ballot request form.

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