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I votedTo all the FAWCO members who voted in the 2020 US election, and helped and encouraged other overseas Americans to vote, as individuals and through their FAWCO clubs and other organizations – thank you for spending your time, energy and in some cases money to help overseas Americans fulfil their right and duty as citizens to vote. Your efforts deserve special recognition because you made them in the uniquely difficult circumstances of a global pandemic. Though I cannot speak for all our foremothers or our descendants, I think you have done them proud.
Of course, despite its mighty consequences, this is just one election. Truly serving our democracy requires us to turn out and participate every time. As my Grandmama used to say, "The Good Fight is never over." FAWCO will take up this challenge in good time for the elections in 2022, 2024 and beyond – please join us in this work. Contact  to join the US Voting Committee. 
While we wait for all the votes to be counted in 2020, however, you can still do one more thing for US democracy. Use the resources listed on FAWCO's US Voting top page to spread accurate information about the process of counting the votes cast and determining the final results. Sadly, we know that disinformation has been and continues to be circulated about both.
Once again, thank you for your service to your country.
Mary Stewart Burgher
Chair, FAWCO US Voting Committee
P.S. Thanks especially to the indefatigable members of the Committee, particularly Laureen Scharps (AIWC Frankfurt Taunus Rhein-Main) for her excellent articles for the website. 
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