
October: registration ends and voting starts for overseas Americans

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October includes lots of state deadlines for voter registration. If you have not registered yet, do it now! Time is running out. Don’t miss your chance to help set your country’s course for the future. 

Also, federal law requires that states send out absentee ballots 45 days before the election, so registered voters should receive – and vote – their ballots in October. About 25% of registered overseas voters don’t receive their ballots, however – see below for the steps to take if you’re one of these people.

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  1. Register to vote/request a ballot for the 2016 election. Send the registration form/ballot request to your local election official according to the instructions that accompany it. Register now – state deadlines are rapidly approaching!
  2. Receive your ballot and complete and return it as quick as you can.
  3. If your ballot does not arrive in time (by 6 October 2018), send a federal write-in absentee ballot (FWAB). If your regular ballot arrives after you have sent off your FWAB, vote and send it, too, and let the local election official decide which one to count.
  4. Use every network and connection you have to urge other Americans to register and vote, including: your FAWCO club, social media accounts, church, school, business, etc. etc.

For tasks 1 and 3, use the nonpartisan online resources available to you, including:


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