
Celebrate July 4th - Register to Vote!

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Celebrate the 4th of July by registering to vote in the 2016 U.S. elections! 4th of July

What better way to celebrate our country’s birth than to register to vote in the November elections, and to encourage and help other Americans to do so? 

The 4th of July often means barbecue, watermelon and fireworks, but be sure to add to your celebration the exercise of your right and duty as a citizen to steer the country’s course into the future. If you’ve already registered, find two Americans who haven’t and help them do so. 

This election is too important for any overseas Americans to miss – our unique perspective is much needed. So enjoy the barbecue and sparklers but be sure you give your country the gift of playing your part in the 2016 U.S. elections!

Lather, rinse, repeat

Once again, here’s our main message to every American we can find.

1. Register to vote/request a ballot for the 2016 election. Send the registration form/ballot request to your local election official according to the instructions that accompany it. 

2. Receive and complete your ballot. States are required to send out ballots 45 days before a regular election for federal office and states generally send out ballots at least 30 days before primary elections. 

3. If your ballot does not arrive in time (1 month before 8 November 2016), send a federal write-in absentee ballot (FWAB). f your regular ballot arrives after you have sent off your FWAB, vote and send it, too, and let the local election official decide which one to count.

4. Find two more Americans and get them to register!

For tasks 1 and 3, use the online resources available to you to, including:



Send questions to the FAWCO Voting from Overseas Committee ().

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