
FAWCO comments on new FPCA wording (2012 election)

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The Federal Post Card Application (FPCA) is the document with which military and overseas voters register to vote and request their ballots.

A new version of this form was introduced for the 2012 election which raised concerns with many voters  (see earlier article on this here).  In response to requests from state and local election officials, the new form explicitly asks voters to state whether they “intend to return” to the state or not.  Many were unsure of their intent and even more unsure of the implications of their affirmation and, for U.S. citizens born abroad, the notion of “return” did not apply.

The Federal Voting Assistance Program, responsible for military and overseas voting, has recently issued a Federal Register notice for the 2011 FPCA and hopes for feedback on the new format and wording.  

Comments on the new form have been submitted by FAWCO’s U.S. Liaison: and its Voting from Overseas Chair:

Additional comments and suggestions from others who either like or do not like the new form are most welcome.  Click here for more information and to submit a comment (the "submit formal comment" box is in the upper right-hand corner of the page); the deadline for submission is September 4, 2012.

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