
Voting from overseas – how hard is that?

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us_liaison_squareParticipate in the OVF post-election survey!

FAWCO partner Overseas Vote Foundation is again conducting a survey of U.S.citizens overseas and in the military who voted in the November 2 election, wanted to vote but couldn't, or didn't vote for reasons of their own.

This year, their survey is even more important than in 2008, because of the landmark Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act passed last year.  MOVE attempted to make voting easier, faster, more secure, more transparent for military and overseas civilian voters.  And did it?

On the basis of the feedback we will receive, overseas advocacy organizations like FAWCO will work with Congress this year to plug any holes and correct any glitches that may have affected this population of 6 million living, working, and serving overseas.

Please click here to participate in the survey, whether or not you voted, so that after all that has been done to facilitate and encourage voting, the process can be further improved for the crucial 2012 election!

OVF writes:

For all Voters, Non-voters, and those who Wanted-to-be-Voters!

We're pleased to announce the Overseas Vote Foundation 2010 Post Election Voter Survey. Your 2010 voting experience is very important to us! The on-line survey will open from November 2 to December 31.

Your participation in this survey is an investment in your voting future. We thank you in advance for your contribution. Perhaps your voting experience was good, but perhaps not; either way your voting experience is unique! Telling us helps us decide how to take action to improve the process.

All answers are anonymous and only completed surveys will be counted.

Your feedback will be used by Overseas Vote Foundation to better understand key issues affecting overseas and military voters, to inform policy makers, researchers and agencies, and to improve our outreach and technical development efforts.

Simply click on the link below to begin. The survey will take approximately 7 minutes to complete. The link is only valid for one-time use.



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