
Delegates’ Brief Reflections on CSW68

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US Women’s Caucus Event: “Strengthening Ties Between the US and the UN” by Lisa Wilde, AWC Berlin

Factoid: One striking fact for me personally was that women are 18% less likely than men to have loans approved, facing rejection due to gender bias. I’m often surprised by how even seemingly minor details can reveal underlying inequality. 


Eliminating Poverty: Structural Interventions through Education, Culture and Science by Jasmine Griffin-Inostroza, One Love Foundation

The conversations around AI and digital footprints are such important conversations to be had. It was really helpful that they ended the sessions with ways to be cautious and safe while having an online presence.


Closing the Gender Gap in Education by Monica S. Wilde, AWC Berlin

There were very captivating reports by different women who shared their experiences as pilots working in a men’s world. This will surely stay in my memory for a long time.

Additional note: I joined quite a few events virtually, depending on the theme and on the convenient time (6-hour time difference). This one suited both well. It is so wonderful that women all over the world can follow the Commission virtually. That makes the content available independent of travel costs.


US Mission to the United Nations panel on Strengthening Women's Workers’ Voices by Jennifer Padfield, FAUSA

Factoid: At the current rate, we are still 286 years away from gender equality.

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