
Secretary-General's Town Hall with Civil Society: Reflections

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By Karen Boeker, AWC Denmark

After Secretary General António Guterres’ words at the beginning of the Town Hall meeting during CSW66 on Wednesday, March 16, my thoughts are still spinning anxiously two days later.

Listening to his opening remarks (available in full here), all the important aspects on the Status of Women are touched upon; more is not possible in the short time available, and above all, women are supposed to have their say and not to listen in this forum. Somewhat uneasy feelings arise when I hear now for the third year in a row (except 2020) the "We must push back against the pushback." In 2019, this was a call to intensify actions; now, I feel it creates frustration. When have feminists pushed back enough?

Having said this, another thought springs to mind: I always, always admired the nerve-wracking patience and perseverance with which UN staff and countless activists work tirelessly to improve the lives of women and girls. I can't emphasize enough how impressed I was by this tolerance for frustration. Not giving in to the constant pushbacks requires, in my eyes, an almost superhuman patience. And because I am so aware of this, it was almost a relief watching Secretary General Guterres speaking in a tone and citing examples in his remarks that foreshadowed that his will to remain patient is still gradually but finally thinning out. And as paradoxical as it sounds, I think that is a good sign.

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