Happy New Year and thank you to all the clubs who reported MOTION in 2024. The Clubs in Motion Annual Report has been submitted and there will be a slide show at the FAWCO Annual Conference in March. 

Eighteen members of Munich IWC reported a total of 2,952 km in December, including walks, Tai Chi exercises, Qigong, Kieser, gym, and yoga. The club reported a grand total of 39,532 km for 2024. That’s almost the circumference of the earth!

IWC Leipzig, new to FAWCO, started a monthly walking group to explore the city’s parks after seeing the CiM presentation at the IM in Porto. They occasionally add spontaneous walks to other locations.

AWC Bern has an active hiking group (despite a difficult season due to inclement weather) and added a running group in December, offering even more ways to explore the outdoors, stay active, and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

ACIW Mumbai organizes cultural walking tours during some of its most colorful festivals. In December, members had the chance to explore iconic neighborhoods and immerse themselves in the local traditions during the Christmas season. It was not just a journey through the streets, but also an opportunity to connect with the stories, history, and joy of the celebrations. The walks offer a unique glimpse into the diverse cultures, languages, and religions that make India so remarkable.


IWC Bogotá has a weekly walking group and a monthly hiking group. The December hike was to Sumapaz, one of the largest paramo ecosystems in the world. It was also considered a sacred place for the Muisca indigenous community.


AWG-Languedoc-Roussillon walking group members walked along the beach and through the marshes in December. The Beach Babes walked along the Mediterranean in November and in December and although a swim was proposed, there were no takers.


AIWC Naples members walked through three little-known parks in the city on a chilly but sunny day in December. It was a pleasure to discover these hidden jewels - lush, green, tranquil areas in the busy, chaotic city of Naples. The walk ended in the bustling market of the Pignasecca in Montesanto.


AWC Madrid organized a festive evening walk through downtown Madrid in December to enjoy the Christmas lights.

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